Grad Requirement: Legal Process

New: June, 2024

Note: Not all courses listed are offered every year. 

Legal Process

Course NameCourse CodeInstructor(s)
Access to Justice and the Legal Process
LAW256H1John J. Adair
Arbitration and Alternative Dispute ResolutionLAW521H1Abdi Aidid
Civil Procedure (formerly Legal Process)LAW260H1TBA
Commercial Litigation: Process & Strategy
LAW303H1Maryam Shahid / Aaron Kreaden
Constitutional Litigation
LAW237H1Joseph Cheng / Cheryl Milne / Michael H. Morris
Criminal ProcedureLAW232H1Breese Davies / Gerald Chan
Perspectives on Civil Litigation, Procedure and Professionalism
LAW302H1Susan Heakes / Josh Nisker
Securities Litigation: The Public and Private Enforcement of Securities Law
LAW231H1Douglas Worndl / Naizam Kanji / Ronald Podolny, Johanna Superina
The Criminal Process
LAW385H1Kent Roach