Distinguished Visitors Program
About Intensive Courses and the January Intersession
Each year, the faculty invites distinguished outstanding academics from around the world to visit and teach at the Faculty. The Faculty is privileged to be able to offer these exceptional opportunities to study with one or more outstanding visiting international scholars. Starting in 2020, the Faculty concentrates all of the intensive courses into a single January Intersession. Students are required to complete at least one intensive course. The January Intersession will start at the same time as first year courses (shortly after New Year's Day).
Intensive courses typically are weighted at one credit, and the credit earned during January Intersession will be allocated to the Winter Term. There is a separate allocation in Cognomos for January Intensive courses. As with all graduation requirements, students are strongly encouraged to complete an intensive course during their second program year.
How Long are the Intensive Courses?
Each intensive course is 12-14 hours in total duration. First year classes will begin at the same time as the Intersession, and upper year classes will begin when Intersession is over. Mandatory attendance is required for the full duration of the course.
Attendance at intensive courses is mandatory. The add/drop deadline for January intensive courses is 10:00 pm on the first day classes meet.
Please see the Course Listings for details about individual courses being offered this year.
Intensive Courses Schedule (main Faculty of Law site)