Overview and rules
The preference category system allows students to prioritize those courses which have special importance to them and their proposed program of study. The system assumes small differences in strength of preference (in descending order) within categories, and bigger differences among categories.
Available Categories
Great | There is no limit to the number of courses students can list as "Great." The system will assume minor preferences among the courses listed in this category, with the highest preference being the first listed course, then the next listed course, etc. |
Good | There is no limit to the number of courses students can list as "Good." The system will assume minor preferences among the courses listed in this category, with the highest preference being the first listed course, then the next listed course, etc. |
Acceptable | There is no limit to the number of courses students can list as "Acceptable." The system will assume minor preferences among the courses listed in this category, with the highest preference being the first listed course, then the next listed course, etc. |
Exchange Students | Please note that Exchange students are not permitted to enrol in Directed Research, Intensive Courses, Moots, Clinics, or Externships, and are restricted from enrolling in some classes. Please see the following link for details: https://handbook.law.utoronto.ca/courses/course-selection-incoming-exchange-students. University of Toronto students going on exchange to other programs should select courses only for the term they will be in residence in Toronto. |
Transfer Students | Provided the student's course selection is in before the allocation is run, transfer students use the same preference categories as other students. If the student is admitted after the allocation, the student must use the add/drop system to choose courses. |
Letter of Permission Students | Provided the student's course selection is in before the allocation is run, Letter of Permission students will participate in the general lottery. If the student is admitted after the allocation is made, the student must use the add/drop system to choose courses. Please note that Letter of Permission students are not permitted to enrol in Directed Research, Intensive Courses, Moots, Clinics, or Externships. |
Deciding how to use preference categories
Deciding where to place courses within a preference system is an art and not a science. While a small number of courses are consistently over-subscribed, the enrollments in courses fluctuate from year to year. These changes are usually influenced by course scheduling, classroom capacity, and variations in maximum course enrollments. Also, student preferences change. There is no magic formula for determining whether a course will have a waitlist.
Before deciding where to place courses in their preferences system, students should carefully examine the maximum enrollments in courses offered this year and compare them with maximum and actual enrollments from the previous year shown under Course Enrolments.
Be realistic in making choices. While every effort is made to enroll students in the courses they have prioritised, listing a course as the highest choice in the "Great" category does not guarantee admission to a course. If it becomes necessary to cancel or reschedule a course, or to substitute an instructor, or to make other changes to the curriculum, reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate students' choices. However, after the allocation is run, all students are subject to the mechanics of the waitlist.
Do not list courses that require applications or permission to enrol. The Records Office will place students in those courses after the allocation is made. Rather, students should complete their course selection as if they will not be taking the conditional course. Then, if admitted, they can drop a course to get their credit count under the credit maximum.
Finally, students should not be discouraged when they find themselves on a waiting list for a course. There are relatively few courses which close with waiting lists at the end of each course change period. Be patient. Places often open up as students make changes to their programs during the course change periods in September and January.