Access to Student Academic Records

Overview of policy

Students may have access to their student records except for:

  • Letters of reference
  • The numeric grade in any subject,
  • The numeric average in any year, and 
  • Their ranking within any year.  

If you would like to access your student academic record, and/or if you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Assistant Dean, J.D. Program.

The following is the full policy approved by Faculty Council on April 8, 1998

  1. Students may examine their academic records and have copies made at their own expense, with the exception of:
    1. letters of reference and any other material submitted on a confidential basis in support of a student's application for admission; and
    2. other information that Faculty Council has or may determine by resolution should not be revealed to students. By virtue of previous resolutions of Faculty Council, it has been determined that students should not have access to their numerical grade in any subject, their numerical average grade in any year, or their ranking within any year.
  2. Subject to section 3, members of the academic and administrative staff shall have access to student academic records only upon obtaining the written permission of the student (including permission transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means) and shall not reveal this information except with the permission of that student.

    In addition, academic and administrative staff members shall not reveal to anyone information that Faculty Council has or may determine by resolution should not be revealed. By virtue of previous resolutions, Faculty Council has determined that numerical grades, numerical averages and student rankings may not be revealed except in support of a student's application for admission to graduate school or for financial support for graduate studies.
    1. A member of the academic staff shall have access to a student's final letter and numerical grade in a course without requiring the written permission of the student if that member of the academic staff was the instructor in that course.
    2. Members of the senior administrative staff (i.e., the Dean, the Associate Dean, the Assistant Dean, and the Senior Recruitment, Admissions and Diversity Outreach Officer) shall have access to academic records for the purpose of administering the academic program and offering assistance to students experiencing difficulty, without requiring the written permission of the student.
    3. In the event that a member of the academic staff has permission to access a student's academic record, such member shall have access to:
      1. letters of reference to support a student's application for admission to graduate school or for financial support for graduate studies; and
      2. a student's numerical averages and rankings only in order to support the student's application for admission to graduate school or for financial support for graduate studies.
  4. The Dean's List [Editor's Note - Honours or High Distinction Standing - list of students] and the names of prize winners shall not be published, subject to any requirements of a prize itself.
  5. For purposes of section 3, "graduate studies" includes judicial clerkships.
  6. Students may add any written material to their files that is relevant to correcting an inaccurate entry or modifying a misleading statement or impression in their academic records.
  7. The Associate Dean is responsible for administering and maintaining this policy.
  8. To the extent that this policy expands students' access to their files, it does not apply retroactively.

Students and members of the academic and administrative staff should be made aware of the procedures governing disclosure of marks and access to student records.

General statement regarding personal information

Personal information that you provide to the University is collected pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of administering admissions, registration, academic programs, university-related student activities, activities of student societies, financial assistance and awards, graduation and university advancement, and for the purpose of statistical reporting to government agencies.

At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to  or contact the University Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator at 416-946-7303, McMurrich Building, Room 201, 12 Queen's Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8.


  • The Records Office does not provide students with copies of their academic transcripts from other institutions as these must be obtained by the student directly from the institution issuing the transcript.
  • Upon graduation, students applying to the Bar Admission Course are responsible for making appropriate arrangements, through ROSI, to have their Faculty of Law transcript forwarded to the Bar Admission Office.