Other Course Opportunities


JD Students are not permitted to audit courses either at the Faculty of Law or in other departments at the University of Toronto.

Counting non-law Credits

Credit weights assigned by other University of Toronto faculties/departments cannot be changed and must stand as allocated by that department. There are several administrative reasons for this, including:

  • The University of Toronto Transcript is comprehensive
  • Each faculty/department sets the credit weight for each course on Acorn. This weight applies to the course and to every student in the course, therefore, it is not possible for either faculty/department to change the credit weighting for an individual student.
  • Students taking out-of-division courses at the University must adhere to the law school credit limits, including those courses from other divisions.  Half-year courses are the equivalent of 2 law school credits.

Cross listed Courses

There are several courses which are offered through other departments of the University of Toronto and are also cross-listed at the Faculty of Law. These courses present unique opportunities for inter-disciplinary study with senior honours or graduate students in other divisions. They are normally taught by faculty members who hold cross-appointments in the Faculty of Law and in another department. Descriptions of these courses are included in the Course Descriptions.

Note: Students who enroll in courses outside the Faculty of Law (including Osgoode Hall and the Centre of Criminology) are responsible for meeting the deadlines established by the Faculty of Law for the submission of written work unless earlier deadlines apply.

Courses at Osgoode Hall Law School

Places are guaranteed for two University of Toronto Faculty of Law students in each of the Osgoode Hall Law School courses offered through the Exchange Program. Typically up to three courses are exchanged with Osgoode Hall Law School each year. These courses are selected by the Associate Deans at Osgoode and U of T.  Students who wish to propose a specific course be considered for cross-listing should send a request to the Records Office.  Persuasive requests will include the course description of the proposed course and preference will be shown for courses taught by full-time faculty.  Once selected, the courses will be available on the Course Selection System and are designated with "OSG" instead of LAW. Students should allow one hour of travel time between classes at Osgoode Hall and the University of Toronto.

Osgoode Sessional dates are available at: http://www.osgoode.yorku.ca under Current Students.

Courses at the Centre of Criminology

Each year students may enrol in a maximum of three of the graduate level courses offered through the Centre of Criminology at the University of Toronto. Please note that priority for criminology courses will be given to criminology graduate students and law students in the Combined J.D./MA (Criminology) Combined Program. Students are encouraged to contact the professor to indicate an interest in a particular course. A list of these courses and course descriptions is available at: http://www.criminology.utoronto.ca (click on 'Graduate Programs' and then 'Courses').

Students wishing to enrol in criminology courses or receive further information about any of the courses must contact the Graduate Administrator (416) 978-7124 ext. 225, Room 8001, Robarts Library (978-8679 ext.225); e-mail: crim.grad@utoronto.ca

Courses in other Faculties of the University of Toronto

In addition to the courses offered by the Centre of Criminology and Osgoode Hall Law School, students may take a maximum of one graduate-level course per year offered through other faculties of the University of Toronto for credit towards the J.D./Graduate degree with the permission of the Assistant Dean, Academic.

JD students must submit a request in writing to the Assistant Dean, Academic which demonstrates that:

  1. The course (or a similar course) was not taken as part of your pre-law training;
  2. The course bears a relationship to your proposed law program and is not otherwise offered at the law school;
  3. The course is not being taken for credit toward another degree;
  4. The level of the course (i.e. introductory, advanced, graduate) is appropriate in light of your prior training;
  5. Your program includes a minimum total of 52 credits taken in the law school during second and third year and a minimum of 26 credits in each of those years.

The grade earned outside the Faculty is not included on the law school transcript, and is not included in the law school grade point average.  This exclusion may affect students' eligibility for distinction standing. 

Students are not permitted to take language courses for credit towards their degree.

Summer Courses

Students may attend Summer courses offered by other University of Toronto divisions or other institutions, however, these courses will not be considered for credit towards their University of Toronto Faculty of Law degree.